Tantalus School Attendance Policy
The attendance policy from Yukon Education states the following:
Policy No. 4001 Legislation:
Education Act Sec 22 – 27, 38 (b), 168(c), 169(r)
The Department of Education believes that students, parents, teachers and administrators have a shared responsibility to ensure that all students attend school in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act. Students are to be in regular attendance unless excused by the school, or for other valid reasons as outlined in sec. 22, 23 and 24 of the Education Act.
Regular and punctual school attendance enhances personal growth and reduces the risk of student failure and develops lifelong habits essential to the successful future participation as citizens in the workplace and community.
The administrator must work closely with parents, students, teachers and the school committee, school council or school board to establish a school attendance policy that reflects the intent of the Education Act. The administrator must investigate persistent absenteeism and collaborate with outside agencies, where warranted, for the purpose of supporting regular school attendance.
Unexcused Absence:
Student is not attending school or school related activity and there is no reason provided for the absence.
Excused Absence:
Student is not attending school or school related activity where the school has been notified by the parent or guardian and the absence is according to sec 22 (2) of the Education Act.
Tantalus School Elementary Attendance Policy:
Tantalus School High School Attendance Policy:
Policy No. 4001 Legislation:
Education Act Sec 22 – 27, 38 (b), 168(c), 169(r)
The Department of Education believes that students, parents, teachers and administrators have a shared responsibility to ensure that all students attend school in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act. Students are to be in regular attendance unless excused by the school, or for other valid reasons as outlined in sec. 22, 23 and 24 of the Education Act.
Regular and punctual school attendance enhances personal growth and reduces the risk of student failure and develops lifelong habits essential to the successful future participation as citizens in the workplace and community.
The administrator must work closely with parents, students, teachers and the school committee, school council or school board to establish a school attendance policy that reflects the intent of the Education Act. The administrator must investigate persistent absenteeism and collaborate with outside agencies, where warranted, for the purpose of supporting regular school attendance.
Unexcused Absence:
Student is not attending school or school related activity and there is no reason provided for the absence.
Excused Absence:
Student is not attending school or school related activity where the school has been notified by the parent or guardian and the absence is according to sec 22 (2) of the Education Act.
Tantalus School Elementary Attendance Policy:
- It will be made clear at the beginning of every school year that 9 30 a.m. is the “cut-off” time for students to be considered in school for the morning session. After 9 30 a.m., they are considered to have a morning absence.
- Parents are responsible for calling the school to let the school know why their student will not be in school on a particular day.
- Students who have 12 unexcused absences in the grades of 4, 5, 6, and 7 will not be allowed on field trips. Teachers of Students in K5, 1, 2, and 3 will use their discretion as to those students attending field trips.
- Attendance will be taken both in the morning and in the afternoon.
- The CELC, with the support of the principal, will be asked to speak with parents with regard to continuous, unexcused absences of children. Parents will be called after 5 unexcused absences.
Tantalus School High School Attendance Policy:
- Parents are expected to contact the school to let us know that the student will not be attending on a particular day and why, preferably by written note.
- Students are expected to make up the work they missed on both excused and unexcused absence days.
- Excused absences include the following:
- Sick, family emergency, travel in and out of territory, traditional, medical appointments
- Notice for extended absences longer than 2 days should be given to the school a week before the leave. Students will be given work for their time away.
- Students who have 40 unexcused absent days or who have 10 unexcused absent days per term shall be withdrawn from school by letter, with a request that, if they want to return to school, the parent, the student, and the principal must meet to find agreement on conditions of the student’s return.
- For the first 3 unexcused absences, parents will be called.
- After the 4th unexcused absence, a parent/student meeting will be held, so the student can explain to parent, teacher, and principal why they were absent.
- Students with 10 unexcused absent days per term will not be allowed on a field trip.
- For the REM, as it is an exceptional field trip, the staff and principal will meet and use their discretion as to whether a student will attend, based on behaviour and attendance of that student. School Council will be advised of the situation and can make the determination with the principal and staff.
- Students who are not here by 9 30 a.m. will be considered absent for the morning attendance.
- Students who are not here by 12 45 in the afternoon will be considered absent for the afternoon.
- Students who arrive after the bell but before the cut-off times of 9 30 a.m. or 12 45 p.m. will be asked to get a late slip from the office.
Yukon Education Student Attendance Policy yukon.ca/sites/yukon.ca/files/edu/edu-student-attendance-policy_0.pdf